
Abandoned Trailers and Rotten Trees are Everywhere

This is the  REAL Bella Collina in Florida . Dwight Schar controls  Bella Collina  but placed incompetent  Paul Simonson  in charge after almost seven years that  criminal Richard Arrighi  managed Bella Collina. Abandoned trailers and rotten trees are everywhere Cut trees are everywhere in Bella Collina, they're not disposing it because they don't care Rotten trees are infected and so is the community Surrounding looks so dirty with these rotten trees, this is how "luxury" looks like in Bella Collina Sources: LinkedIn , Bella Collina Reviews Twitter , Bella Collina Reviews Facebook , Bella Collina Reviews Site , Bella Collina Reviews Community , Bella Collina Homes

Must Watch: Real Residents in Bella Collina Reporting

This is the real experience of living in Bella Collina and not what you see on the fancy Bella Collina website or what the Bella Collina real estate is trying to sell you. Sources: LinkedIn , Bella Collina Reviews Twitter , Bella Collina Reviews Facebook , Bella Collina Reviews Site , Bella Collina Reviews Community , Bella Collina Homes

It's a Mess in Bella Collina (Florida)!

Dumpster full of garbage, very bad smell and they don't even care Dwight Schar , the owner, doesn't really care.  Bella Colina  looks far from being a luxury. Dumpsters and cars are everywhere and nobody cares.  Randall Greene , the guy responsible for the maintenance, doesn't do his job. IT'S A MESS IN  BELLA COLLINA  (Florida)! IT'S UNSAFE in  Dwight Schar's Bella Collina ! Dwight Schar , the owner, doesn't really care.  Bella Colina  looks far from being a luxury. Dumpsters and cars are everywhere and nobody cares.  Randall Greene , the guy responsible for the maintenance, doesn't do his job. About 500 families decided not to pay their dues and abandoned  Bella Collina . Residents complain about harassment and intimidation. Dwight Schar, Richards Arrighi, Paul Simonson, Rick Scherich, and  Randall Greene 's POA are suspected of knowing or stealing $100,000,000 of dues that belong to the POA with lots of tricks. Wire fraud? Tax invasions? Creating

Bella Collina Residents' Experience in Bella Collina

   Bella Collina , a remote community located 40 to 60 minutes away from downtown Orlando is owned by Dwight Schar and managed by  Paul E. Simonson , Dwight Schar’s right-hand finance guy. Bella Collina has been described numerous times in the last 17 years as a “GHOST TOWN,” including in the recent ABC investigative news report. 2018 sales figures, confirms resident Don Karl Juravin, that  Bella Collina  is “JINXED with BAD LUCK”. Despite  Dwight Schar  and Paul Simonson’s great efforts and investment in the last 6 years, potential buyers seem to bypass the salesmanship and have relied on facts: 17 years of dark history and questionable management. 500+ Property Owners Lost Millions in Bella Collina Dwight Schar , a billionaire, and part-owner of the NFL Redskins, used his fortune against homeowners. Together with Paul E. Simonson, they engaged in massive legal litigation against 500 families, in what many felt were unfair fees, and so he “took” their properties. To some degree, this

Is this "luxury"?

Insider Pictures by Real Residents of Bella Collina, Florida Bella Collina insider real pictures by real residents.  These trashy scenes were always in Bella Collina and will ALWAYS BE. This ugliness will never change. Unless, Dwight Schar's Bella Collina would have listened to Don Juravin 's advice 4 years ago.  We visited Bella Collina in Florida and this is that we saw Toilets are on the sidewalk and it's everywhere Trash dumps smell very bad with flies everywhere and could transmit diseases Sources: LinkedIn , Bella Collina Reviews Twitter , Bella Collina Reviews Facebook , Bella Collina Reviews Site , Bella Collina Reviews Community , Bella Collina Homes
MUST WATCH! Bella Collina investigated and criminal Richard Arrighi. It seems like Dwight Schar's team (Paul Simonson or Randall Greene) is SPYING on Don Juravin, his wife, or daughters.