
Showing posts with the label HOMEOWNERS

Dwight Schar's Company Accused of Corporate Blackmail by Us Senator

Source: The Enquirer U.S Sen. Sherrod Brown, (D)-Ohio, is joined by Ryan Homes homeowners, who share their stories of the builder's practices, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019, atthe Hamilton County Courthouse in Cincinnati. Kareem Elgazzar/The Enquirer Donna and Robert Cobb went a night without heat after Duke Energy shut off their gas last Thursday.  Duke Energy deemed it was necessary due to a dangerous amount of gas circulating through their home, all because of a pipe regulator that Ryan Homes failed to install, they said.  "They hadn't put a regulator on the line, so it was just full gas coming in," Robert Cobb said. Donna Cobb, of West Chester Township, and her husband, talk about the issues they faced after Ryan Homes built their house, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019, at the Hamilton County Courthouse in Cincinnati. Kareem Elgazzar/The Enquirer The smell was overwhelming. The Cobbs had noticed problems during pre-construction and tried to get out of their contract with Ryan Homes

Is this "luxury"?

Insider Pictures by Real Residents of Bella Collina, Florida Bella Collina insider real pictures by real residents.  These trashy scenes were always in Bella Collina and will ALWAYS BE. This ugliness will never change. Unless, Dwight Schar's Bella Collina would have listened to Don Juravin 's advice 4 years ago.  We visited Bella Collina in Florida and this is that we saw Toilets are on the sidewalk and it's everywhere Trash dumps smell very bad with flies everywhere and could transmit diseases Sources: LinkedIn , Bella Collina Reviews Twitter , Bella Collina Reviews Facebook , Bella Collina Reviews Site , Bella Collina Reviews Community , Bella Collina Homes